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Guide to your room

MQLAriel Map-Compact_page-0001.jpg
Aerial Map Guide to Room C01-C09.png

C01- C09

5 Men Cozy Family Suite

From the canteen, walk alongside M2 until you see the stairs. Walk up the stairs and turn left to C01-C06, turn right to C07-C09.

T1 - T12

2 Men Tube House

From the canteen facing our hall, walk straight alongside the public toilet. Turn left after the public toilet and the Tube House will be on your right side.

Aerial Map Guide to Room T1-T12.png
Aerial Map Guide to Room 5F1-5F4.png

5F1 - 5F4

5 Men Family Suite

From the canteen facing our hall, walk straight alongside the public toilet. Turn left after the public toilet and the Bungalow will be located in front to the left side of you.

GS1 - GS2

Grace Song Family Suite

The room is located at the main entrance of the hall facing the field.

Aerial Map Guide to Room GS1-GS2.png

B1 - B12

8 Men Box Dormitory

B1-B4 is located by the hall facing the canteen and M2.

B5-B6 is located facing the public toilet. B7-B10 is located by the hall facing another side. B11-B12 is located behind 5F1-5F4.

Aerial Map Guide to Room B1-B12.png

4F1 - 4F6

4 Men Family Suite

From the canteen facing our hall, walk straight alongside the public toilet. Turn left after the public toilet. Follow the walkway until you go across a small bridge. The rooms are located in the hall.

Aerial Map Guide to Room 4F1-4F6.png

1) We provide pillows and blankets in all our rooms, kindly bring your own:

- Hygiene products

- Towel

- Shampoo

- Toothbrush and toothpaste

- Necessaries

3) Kindly take care of your own belongings at all times.

5) Kindly park your vehicle only at the parking spot only.

2) We encourage our customers to save energy to protect our planet.

All electrical appliances should be turned off and windows should be closed before leaving the room. RM50.00 love tithe will be imposed for those who do not abide.

4) Kindly wash your own cutlery after use and place it at the designated place in our canteen. Please wipe the table after use.

6) We collect RM20.00 for each room key as a deposit, which will be refunded during check-out.

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Google map to our resort:

In order to maintain the unique concept of MonQ Land, all the activities below are STRICTLY PROHIBITED.
1) Smoking
2) Drinking (Liquor)
3) Gambling
4) Abuse of Drugs
5) Addicted to computer games or Internet
6) Immoral sex

When you reach MQL, please heading to canteen and looking for me. 
I will be there around. 

Besides that, we will collect a refundable room key cash deposit upon your arrival. 
RM20 per each room key. 

The cash deposit will be return when all room keys are returned in good condition during check out.

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